Friday, January 20, 2012

Advice From Unlikely Places

**I had this published on my other blog Lunacy and Best Wishes, but I thought I would post it again here as well.

I received an e-mail from someone asking advice about how to prevent razor burn. This used to be a big problem for me so I’ve got just the answer for you.

My cure for razor burn came from the most unlikely, yet absolutely perfect sources. . . Their names were Barbie and Mercedes. . . exotic dancers paying their way through college.

1. Exfoliate. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy dancy. I just use apricot scrub and a washcloth.

2. Barbie said, “Don’t use shaving cream, use hair conditioner.” I thought this was weird, but it actually works better. Again, I don’t use anything expensive; just the cheapest brand at the grocery store.

3. Use a new(ish) razor and shave in the direction of the hair growth, then against the hair growth, then from side to side. Also it’s important to take your time.

4. After you get out of the shower, use unscented lotion that is made for sensitive skin on your legs. For underarms and your bikini area, Barbie said that deodorant works the best. Yeah I thought that was weird too, using deodorant your nether regions, but apparently this is a common trick among strippers that they swear by.

If you still have razor burn, Bikini Zone cream was recommended by Mercedes. In extreme cases, although it burns like a motherfucker, Mercedes also recommends rubbing alcohol mixed with water in a spray bottle. I personally have never tried this, but I figure it’s worth a try.

So I thought being dragged out to the titty bar would be a horrible experience, but in reality, it wasn’t that bad. I actually got some wonderful hair, makeup, and skincare tips. I also find it ironic that out of the group of guys I was with, I got all the attention ;) It still makes me chuckle.

2 beauty lovers said...:

dancesairily said...

The deodorant trick really works.

GiGi said...

Sure does!

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